Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Flowing with the Inevitable Changing Life

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17 NIV

One thing in life is for certain...change.  This week, I received news about two co-workers moving on to other positions.  Both very surprising, yet my astonishment was met with two different reactions.  One with indifference, the other with sadness and yet both with regret?  Both had been at the company less than a year and I worked closely with each.  I never assumed the mid-day gripes about work politics, fussy software applications or policy restrictions would lead them both to suddenly quit.

In my mind, I wondered had I been kind enough?  Had I treated each of them with respect? What could I do now?  Regardless of how I felt or how many questions I had about my own actions, they still were leaving.  I couldn't stop the inevitable, the CHANGE. I had to adjust to something new whether I liked it or not.  Living this life, in this world, in this society changes are expected.  

Technology changes almost every year (or less).  As soon as you buy a cell phone, its virtually out-of-date.  The rules of the nation change constantly.  Many things ruled illegal 20 years ago are now very legal and worth a taxable profit.  (Now that's funny!)  What's in is out, what's out is in, what's hot, what's not..it all changes so fast. And with the internet, fast has become warp speed!

Change is inevitable and it happens all the TIME. However, when it comes to us individually...our own little private domains, why is change so hard?  Do we get so set in our ways that we neglect to see the possibilities of a new, better reality?  Are we afraid to believe that there is something greater in the future?  Or do we think that the best has already been accomplished?

Does change mean failure?  Does change mean progress? Does lack of change show too much pride?  Or not enough pride?  I could ask hundreds of questions and can only answer a few regarding my own situation.  One thing is for certain, IT IS UNCOMFORTABLE. Anything new will be and if its not, then what is being faced is nothing new.  Maybe that's reason enough not to change?

However, to grow, we all must be willing bow, stretch, flex and expand through the challenges that life bring. Everything and anything that grows, changes (nature is a great example).  Our willingness and flexibility to "go with the flow" of changing situations determines how we progress through it.  I firmly believe that if we aren't growing or progressing, then something in our camp needs to change.  And more than likely, it's you, individually. 

Here is the good news for us (if we take it).  God is the only One I know that never changes. The Bible says in Hebrews 13:8, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.  God is Love...God is faithful..God is Our Helper and God Loves you and wants you to grow.   He said,  Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.  Deuteronomy 31:6.  He is consistent through all of the changes!

If you are still here (living) and not progressing or not willing to change, I challenge you to let go of the familiar and trust The Lord through your situation. You will have to adjust, but whatever the adjustment may be..I guarantee there is something far greater waiting for you on the other side.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Forgiving Is For You....

And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. - Matthew 6:12

Forgive...simple to say, easy to remember.   It is only two syllables and combines two words (for and give). Most assuredly, any three year-old could win a pre-K spelling bee with it.  It's not a complicated word at all! But ain't it funny, how such an uncomplicated word can become very complicated when put into practice?  

Yes indeed, this is the crossroads that most of us find ourselves.  Trying to let go of the bad things, bad people or bad experiences that have happened to us, yet not finding it easy to do. Most times, we hold on to those toxic situations through grudges, thinking we are justified with our actions.  And grudges aren't just outward expressions, either.  9 times out of 10, they are the things we carry in our hearts...not a good thing.

Society has a great way of telling us that it's okay to "get even" and so will folks around you. I have fallen into that trap the majority of my life. I knew, (as I stated earlier) that I WAS JUSTIFIED. "Didn't they hurt me?"  However, God began to open my Spiritual eyes (yes your spirit has eyes) and I saw how toxic UNforgiveness can be.  It had spread like a virus, from one area of my life to the next.

It turned into bitterness, envy, jealousy, rage, depression, guilt, pride and sickness (mentally and physically).  As soon as I became aware of the issue, I started to dig into my life.  I started to pin-point the original offenses and ask God to HELP me to forgive and let it GO.  I knew that if I didn't change my mind about those things, I would live an unhappy, unfulfilled life.  And that is never God's plan for us.  

Is it easy?  Sometimes it isn't! Let's be real, even Peter asked this question...  21 Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?
22 Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven. Matthew 18:21-22  BUT Jesus, our Lord and Savior said to forgive and that we can (& should) do it.  After all, if He died for me and has freely forgiven me..how much more should I forgive?

Here's what I've learned:
  1. Forgiving is a process.  You may not feel it in your emotions, initially. However over time, the pain of the offense will no longer be painful.  Be patient with yourself.  Don't fight the process, flow with it because it will hurt. Trust that the pain will bring a greater reward very soon.
  2. Forgiving is a gift to YOU.  There is no greater way to move forward with your life than to simply, LET IT GO.  It is freeing and brings about a change of perspective about everything!  It also unclogs your blessings in Life & Love..it removes the physical and spiritual block.  Your body will start to heal again (releasing the stress).  You'll start to love again and be open to life!  

Others that have been through the process may have more to contribute, but this is where I am.   In Life and Love, things can (and will) happen that may have cut to the core of your spirit, mind, body AND soul.  Situations can tear you apart, IF you allow them.  Stop giving unforgiveness power over your life.  There is so much more awaiting us. So many relationships, opportunities, joys, hopes..make the choice and save your life.  

God is waiting for your decision..Trust Him today.

 "...You must not be bitter. Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. It doesn't do anything to the object of its displeasure...." - Maya Angelou