Monday, September 15, 2014

Obedience is a Good Thing and not Just for You...

I saw the picture, it resonated with me.  Not so much because of the image, but because of the language.  "If you love me, obey me."  Funny isn't it?  Who would ever think that following orders had anything to do with, of all things...Love?  Often, when I consider the act of obedience, I associate it with following orders regardless of how I may feel about the outcome or circumstance...obey anyway.  

Did you hear that?  Regardless of the outcome or circumstance, do what you are told to do. But because of LOVE?  Look at this scripture, John 14:15 says, "If you love me, keep my commands."  This is Jesus talking not me. And in John 14:21Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them."  Let's make it plain, if Jesus would not have obeyed God by fulfilling His assignment to die on the cross for our sins then, guess what?  We would be forever lost and never reconciled to God.  BUT He DID do it...all because of LOVE.

Well, I won't act as if I have passed the "Obedience" test. HA!  Oh yes, I have failed quite a few times. However, when recently given a specific task to do, I obeyed.  Initially, my plan was made and I just knew how the day was going to go UNTIL God said..."Obey."  His plans supersede our own, when we get that we gain wisdom and freedom!  But in the end, when I obeyed, I say the manifestation of a WONDERFUL blessing.   

The point of it all is, God uses us in ways we don't even understand and when He does, there is a purpose for it.  When He instructs us to do something, there is a reason. Sometimes He'll fill you in on the details and most times, He won't.  Regardless of the circumstance, He wants us to TRUST Him enough to do what He asks.  Remember Abraham and Issac and the ram in the bush? - Genesis 22:3-14.

When I said, "Yes" to the task, God used my "Yes" to bless several people because of obedience.  He loved me enough to use me, and loved the others enough to bless them because of one, "Yes!"  Jesus said, "Yes" and God sent Him because of His Love for us and He knew that Jesus would say "Yes"...because of Love.  It all makes sense to me...Obedience = Love.  My hope is that it all makes sense to you too, if not now, one day.

I was glad to have seen it all unfold though, then I could write about it.  Not only that, but bear witness to the POWER of obedience.  When you decide, more and more to just say "Yes" to the Lord, it has a ripple affect.  Others will be blessed because of your passing the Love (obedience) test.  Try it, just try never know who your act of Love will touch.

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