Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Path Has Already Been Laid..Now Walk it Out

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding.  In all thy ways, acknowledge Him and He shall direct they paths.  Proverbs 3:5-6

I don't know about you, but there are numerous times that I've struggled with trusting God.  With trusting the direction that my life happens to be going.  Trusting His timing, His guidance, His choices, etc...etc.  I often question myself about my choices..and if they are coming from God.  See, I happen to be one that has always jumped the gun when it comes to decisions...

I freak out, (now) about every decision I make!  "Is this right?"  "Is this wrong?" "Should I have spent that money?"  "Do I have enough money for this?"   "Should I be friends with the person?"   "Should I take this job?"  "Should I quit this job?"  "Did I do this right?"  "Did I do this wrong?"  It's so chaotic, isn't it?  Even reading it is making me anxious!  Here is what I am coming to know...

Nobody is this life we will make plenty of mistakes.  Refusing, however, to live LIFE because of past mistakes only hinders our growth.  God intends for us to live an abundant life.  If that is not happening, that is not of God...what does the enemy come to do?  Steal, Kill and destroy..if your stressed out about decisions..check with Jesus (say a prayer) about it and watch your peace come back to you.

God's ways are not our ways...even if the direction we go in looks crazy (as all get out) He still knows where He's leading us.  Now listen, even in all my silly, outrageous, "shoulda-known-better" decisions, God STILL worked them out for my good!  He will take every experience, Good & BAD and make those situations flow in the right direction for your life. Now ain't that something?  I have recently started looking at my own experiences and it makes sense, now. At least some of it makes sense....The reality?..God ain't surprised about ME or YOU.

Again...God ain't surprised about ME or YOU.  I can't tell you how many times I worried about what's next and tried to figure things out on my own without consulting God.  I figured, "If I got myself into this mess, then why am I asking God to help me get out?"  I said, "Look at my circumstance..this is way to big for me to handle so can God do this?"  "Will He do this for me?"  "I haven't been faithful with my relationship with Him, so I won't ask Him for His help."  "I am not deserving."

I will (and have) driven myself crazy with my own questions..with trying to make the best decisions for my life.  BUT...God IS STILL Faithful!  He already knows what we are doing and where we are at in life.  ALL HE WANTS FOR US TO DO IS CAST OUR CARES ON HIM AND ASK HIM FOR HIS HELP.  HE WANTS US TO MAKE HIM A PART (FIRST PART) OF OUR LIVES.  We are not self-reliant..we just aren't.  I am not equipped to live without Jesus. I just am not..I've tried, trust me on this one.  

What I am finding is that I need my Creator's help in everything I do..and that no mistake that I've made or will make keeps me from the direction that He has me going.  His purpose for my life will be fulfilled and completed no matter what. He knows that path I take..even when I cannot see the path ahead. And even when I have to face the mountain (see picture). I have to trust that He will guide me through it.

The question is...will I (& you) listen? Choose to listen, I am.