Saturday, September 28, 2013

I Will Not Fear.....

 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.   Isaiah 41:10 NIV

It's been a very long time since I've written anything in my blog, but today I felt the need to say something.  Transition has been the main word (or phrase) in my life lately.  There have been many changes, quick changes, necessary changes (good & bad), nevertheless change.  Most times when change happens, regardless of the circumstances, there is an element of the unknown..which can produce fear.  Life always changes and we have to be "bright" enough to adjust with it understanding that it may lead us to unfamiliar places.  

Oh, wait!  There it is...the unfamiliar...bummer!  With my recent changes, like a new job, mom to a high school grad, turned college student (leaving me NOW as an empty-nester), end of a romantic relationship, etc., etc...(you get it) I found myself in a whirlwind of rearranged priorities and reworking previous plans.  Most of these reworked and rearranged plans and priorities included ONLY ME.  Isn't that funny?  When you find yourself, by yourself, you find a lot out about YOURSELF.  I had spent so much time making other things a priority that when it came to the slate of my life, I had nothing.  

The discovery was that I was missing from my own life...I was the missing piece to me.  This of course, brought about a mixture of emotions with the predominant one being...fear.  What in the world had I been doing for the past 20 years?  Who am I outside of being a mother? Who am I outside of a romantic relationship? What have I accomplished that is meaningful or apart of my purpose?  As a matter of fact...what IS my purpose?  

As these questions rattled in my mind, the idea to tackle and find the answer to each one became overwhelming, even worrisome.  The more I pondered about this new life, the more I became fearful.  The more changes from what had become my norm, the more terrified I became at starting over.  Then I had the urge to write, I remembered this blog and opened the last page that I didn't finish and there it was....Isaiah 41:10. The very scripture I needed, when I needed it most...God knows what He is doing.

What I am learning, LIFE WILL CHANGE.  However, when it does, I am not alone because God assures me that He will be with me through the change. He'll help me through the unfamiliar and newness of my life and give me the drive to discover me, all over again.  The me He created me for, TODAY. You may ask, "does this really help?"  And my answer is simply, "Today, it absolutely did."

God knows what we need, when we need it....don't fear..He has your story written, all over again.